Are you young (or old) enough to have seen your mother giving birth to you, on video camera? Was there someone there who had the technology to capture both the sound and visual experience of your own entrance/incarnation in to this world? Is it documented, or only a memory in the minds of the people who were there? If there were no video taken, were there pictures, audio tape recording, or a baby journal kept?
I find this concept interesting, as I feel I am going through a rebirth. I feel I am giving birth to a whole new me, a more real, freer, authentic Me. I have lived a life that has had range full of suppression, abuse, lies, confusion and a host of problems which come out of such energies. But, amidst all the craziness I was born into and subsequently felt stuck in participating in...Is a being of great worth, of great value and with many great things to share and bring to myself and to this world. Sometimes though, if we are not "completely together", we may feel or even receive feedback that says..."you're not good enough to...." Words which scream lack or limits on a soul who is so not-limited. We are one with all that can we EVER be not-good-enough. Lies, damn lies...which I have only recently began to fully wake up from and start embodying the truth.
A lot of times, when we see professionals in the world, whether they be psychic-intuitives, healers, motivational speakers, life-coaches, political leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, etc....we see a somewhat "finished product" or package of qualities that the person, after spending years and years on developing, has decided to market and launch.
A lot of times, when we see professionals in the world, whether they be psychic-intuitives, healers, motivational speakers, life-coaches, political leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, etc....we see a somewhat "finished product" or package of qualities that the person, after spending years and years on developing, has decided to market and launch.
I would like to come from an underground, underlayered perspective, and that is, the psychic-intuitive-healer-speaker-writer-artist, who is still being born...who's diamonds are still in the rough rocks.
This perspective says this: That IT IS OK TO EXPRESS FROM WHEREVER YOU ARE. It is ok for me to express from wherever I am, in whatever moment, or place in my life I am at.
I truly believe it is a disservice to oneself, to not express fully one's emotions via emoting, but also by channeling the emotional energy into expressive art and ideas. It is not only a disservice not to, but incredibly unhealthy, causing one to always feel unfulfilled "untill"...Until one graduates, or until one gets married/has kids, or until one gets blah blah blah. The feeling that one cannot put oneself out there for fear of being "not good enough", is an insidious disease which causes stagnation and hugely stiffling blocks in the energetic bodies of life.
Flow is flow. A child doesn't shy away from putting his scribble scrabble, mixed-matched colored, messy painting or drawing...ON FULL OUT DISPLAY FOR THE WORLD TO SEE. The child will create something, and immediately go on fulfilling the second part of expression, which is, sharing it with others. Expression = Creativity/Creation + Sharing
So let it be then!
I am ready, to express, whatever it is that may come. I am willing to delve within the dark and the light aspects of life, exploring all manner of hue and texture, in order to bring about the masterpiece that is me. I will not let my Creator down. I will display this artwork that is me, with full on pride and joy-full freedom!
This is the loud, sonically disturbing, yet neccessary time in the life of a raw rock-embibed diamond/crystal. This is the point on the spiritual path which needs some highlighting. Join me, as we dig, dig, dig into the nitty gritty of the spiritual path, the hidden caves of existence, where things are not always so well polished, but where one gives birth to the jewels of perfection by chipping away at the egoic structures of society and of our own minds....Let it be known and on full display, for those on the path to know that there are others, not only waiting on the other side for them to see their divinity...but that there are others, right here, walking in the dark, alongside them. They/we are not alone. We are all together in this, bringing about the magnificent changes which are happening on the planet, which start, and begin, hidden, in the caves and crevaces of our consciousness...formless, and seemingly void...we will begin there.
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This is the loud, sonically disturbing, yet neccessary time in the life of a raw rock-embibed diamond/crystal. This is the point on the spiritual path which needs some highlighting. Join me, as we dig, dig, dig into the nitty gritty of the spiritual path, the hidden caves of existence, where things are not always so well polished, but where one gives birth to the jewels of perfection by chipping away at the egoic structures of society and of our own minds....Let it be known and on full display, for those on the path to know that there are others, not only waiting on the other side for them to see their divinity...but that there are others, right here, walking in the dark, alongside them. They/we are not alone. We are all together in this, bringing about the magnificent changes which are happening on the planet, which start, and begin, hidden, in the caves and crevaces of our consciousness...formless, and seemingly void...we will begin there.
Connect with me at