In this particular blog I would like license to go out on a rant...thanks!
So, I'm not sure if it is like this for other psychic-mediums, new at embracing their gifts...but what the heck is it with all the different groups and entities trying to get in on the hotline? What is the "hotline", you may ask?...the MIND. I mean, I already have enough mind chatter with all the thoughts and experiences I am processing from this life (and 100s of past lives)...the last thing I need is direct, explicit communications from all these beings. I really use a bit of humor here, as many of the beings are of the light, some evolved, some not as evolved...but for other vibration signals its like Whoa (not to mention with everyone speaking at once!). So with this rant I allow myself to release the wide bandwidth and narrow in on who and with whom I am receiving communications from. A lot of the times, the consciousness is like a telephone line...when other beings want to connect, they ring your phone. They usually present some sort of caller-id in the form your mind can read in order to identify who is communicating. The signals can be coming in from any and everywhere. Some automatically start talking, and if you do not decide to pick up right away, it is left as a message in your psychic-field inbox, which you can listen to and digest later and/or piece by piece. You can also delete the message and/or respond to it. You can communicate in live/now-time. There are soo many other ways I could delve to describe my personal mediumistic experiences, which I will not do here but will reveal over time...
It is a spiritual technology indeed, with all the functions of our modern day cell phones and more. :)
So, what's to make of all this? It is a sharing of my experience. I think the moral of my particular story experience is MEDITATION! Being in the BEING--thoughts, feelings, and distracting sensations are felt and experienced fully, thus allowing the outrush of love and healing messages to pour forth. And stillness of mind, is the key to mastery. (How well does your cell phone work when there is static or a crossed-wire?) This eliminates any confusion and allows for the experience to have a meainingful purpose, if not a sense of exploration and logical progression. And in the end, the understanding that any entity that is drawn to us, is ultimately attracted by sheer virtue of representing SOME aspect of ourselves which we may not be aware of. I could be wrong, that's my story for now.
Please feel free to connect with me on this site and also on my
And my audio blog at Indigo Wisdom Talk Radio , if you have any comments or would like to share your own experiences.
Thanks for listening/reading/feeling.
based on this and many other conversations we'd had, i STRONGLY encourage you to try a kundalini yoga class. it will blow your mind - literally - and keep you safe from this sort of stuff. =)