Welcome to my Blog, by Dannie Lovelight

Welcome Spiritual traveler!

You have happened upon my blog...I hope that as you journey along your path...you find inspiration and find ways to INSPIRE YOURSELF & OTHERS. Enjoy!

find out more about me and listen to my audio blog here at Indigo Wisdom Radio .

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Indigo Wisdom...We're Back!


It's been a great journey, and it keeps getting better. Spaceship earth, officially in new territory, and we're going there together! Let's support each other and refine our wisdom based in truth and light. Peace and see you!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Back from the Blah Blah Blah...to the La La La...& other Updates from the Intuitive Girl

I am so grateful to be alive. This world, this life, is truly a magnificent drama. If it were not, then what else would or could it be? Yes a random goings on of nothingness and blah-blah-ness and something or other. But a beautiful one, even at that. Beauty is exemplified by true art, whether haphazard or intentional. Art, is art, and beauty is beauty. And this beautiful life we are ALL engaged in, is a beautiful work of art, a multi-sensory, three-D drama filled with all and everything that could ever be imagined.

Life is truly magical. Take the magic out of life, and you have taken the life out of the life. Take sweetness out of a sweet, and what is left? That's what happens when you take magic out of something so magical as life. Let us re-ignite and re-engage our capacity for imagination, passion, and belief in magic. Belief in magick is the belief that there are so many causalities and effects, coaguating as a derivation of some sort of scheme..an intentional purpose, interplaying itself against and through the multiplicity of possibilities. Oftentimes a very active belief and participation in living in the MAGICK of it all, would seem as if the person is overly engaged in the randomness of the play and the occurances of life. On the contrary, belief and participation in MAGICK is the full on realization that EVERYTHING comes from ORDER. That EVERY situation, no matter how chaotic or haphazard it may appear to be...is derived from and with a very intelligent sourcing backing it and producing some sort of magnificent, determined beauty out of it. Life becomes worth living. The mundane, a colorful masterpiece of significant value. The invisible, the very substance of physical reality itself.

So, "blah blah blah", can be turned into a beautiful tune, a song of "La, la, la"...it is NEVER mundane. The bored and the boring, are unwatched portions of the stage...that when one looks over, can see is an intricate and lively portion of this drama we call life. The mundane boring-ness is completely tied into the landscape of the beautiful theatrics of life, adding a substantative backdrop of contrast and texture, without which life would be merely a single-dimensional lockstep of nothingness.

As humans, we are actually SPIRIT BEINGS, who have chosen to specifically don our costumed apparral of bodily life, strutured itno the family of our origin, and expanding out as far as we choose, into the depths of history and human experience. Some of us have been assigned specific parts in this play, and some of us utilize the skill and artistry that allows for the active and fully licensed choice of Our Part. What part will you play? It requires the skill of an artist...the ability to turn lead into gold of the alchemist...the ability to work with the natural, in order to derive an alternative substance, of the magician. This is the art of life, and of living, which turns the mundane, blah, into the rocking soulful sound of beauty. Let's live.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mini-Insights from the Psychic girl

Centering oneself, need not result in self-centeredness...actually the art of centered awareness allows one to be fully empathetic to all.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Yeah

Valentine's Day or Who Cares?

Who literally cares?

Do you? Do I? Do We?

Let us care, to share, and dare....


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Insight's from the Psychic Girl #3 (a poem) "You are my Friend in Spirit" by Danielle Lovelight

Your light radiates
Throughout this world,
Throughout the universes

No one ever sees the light
when it's blinding
but soon it will be felt

Lonely people seek friends out of
inanimate objects
Having tea time with animals
and plants
and the elements

Happen upon medicines
the tools of shamans

But rare, is the friend
a true friend
a catalyst
for change
growth, exploration
expression and self-love.

Two beings of the same light
Friendship is real
where life's missions intersect

Working on the same team
the lightworkers
few and far yet standing tall and erect

Notice each others' light and say hello
A glance
A nod
A blessing
the laughter bestowed

To continue on their own paths
hopefully to cross again

And to meet on the planes of nirvana
true home
true friends
in the end.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Insights from the Psychic Girl #2- My mind is not a telephone hotline Gottdammit!

In this particular blog I would like license to go out on a rant...thanks!

So, I'm not sure if it is like this for other psychic-mediums, new at embracing their gifts...but what the heck is it with all the different groups and entities trying to get in on the hotline? What is the "hotline", you may ask?...the MIND. I mean, I already have enough mind chatter with all the thoughts and experiences I am processing from this life (and 100s of past lives)...the last thing I need is direct, explicit communications from all these beings. I really use a bit of humor here, as many of the beings are of the light, some evolved, some not as evolved...but for other vibration signals its like Whoa (not to mention with everyone speaking at once!). So with this rant I allow myself to release the wide bandwidth and narrow in on who and with whom I am receiving communications from. A lot of the times, the consciousness is like a telephone line...when other beings want to connect, they ring your phone. They usually present some sort of caller-id in the form your mind can read in order to identify who is communicating. The signals can be coming in from any and everywhere. Some automatically start talking, and if you do not decide to pick up right away, it is left as a message in your psychic-field inbox, which you can listen to and digest later and/or piece by piece. You can also delete the message and/or respond to it. You can communicate in live/now-time. There are soo many other ways I could delve to describe my personal mediumistic experiences, which I will not do here but will reveal over time...

It is a spiritual technology indeed, with all the functions of our modern day cell phones and more. :)

So, what's to make of all this? It is a sharing of my experience. I think the moral of my particular story experience is MEDITATION! Being in the BEING--thoughts, feelings, and distracting sensations are felt and experienced fully, thus allowing the outrush of love and healing messages to pour forth. And stillness of mind, is the key to mastery. (How well does your cell phone work when there is static or a crossed-wire?) This eliminates any confusion and allows for the experience to have a meainingful purpose, if not a sense of exploration and logical progression. And in the end, the understanding that any entity that is drawn to us, is ultimately attracted by sheer virtue of representing SOME aspect of ourselves which we may not be aware of. I could be wrong, that's my story for now.

Please feel free to connect with me on this site and also on my website-LoveLightReadings.com
And my audio blog at Indigo Wisdom Talk Radio , if you have any comments or would like to share your own experiences.

Thanks for listening/reading/feeling.
