I am so grateful to be alive. This world, this life, is truly a magnificent drama. If it were not, then what else would or could it be? Yes a random goings on of nothingness and blah-blah-ness and something or other. But a beautiful one, even at that. Beauty is exemplified by true art, whether haphazard or intentional. Art, is art, and beauty is beauty. And this beautiful life we are ALL engaged in, is a beautiful work of art, a multi-sensory, three-D drama filled with all and everything that could ever be imagined.
Life is truly magical. Take the magic out of life, and you have taken the life out of the life. Take sweetness out of a sweet, and what is left? That's what happens when you take magic out of something so magical as life. Let us re-ignite and re-engage our capacity for imagination, passion, and belief in magic. Belief in magick is the belief that there are so many causalities and effects, coaguating as a derivation of some sort of scheme..an intentional purpose, interplaying itself against and through the multiplicity of possibilities. Oftentimes a very active belief and participation in living in the MAGICK of it all, would seem as if the person is overly engaged in the randomness of the play and the occurances of life. On the contrary, belief and participation in MAGICK is the full on realization that EVERYTHING comes from ORDER. That EVERY situation, no matter how chaotic or haphazard it may appear to be...is derived from and with a very intelligent sourcing backing it and producing some sort of magnificent, determined beauty out of it. Life becomes worth living. The mundane, a colorful masterpiece of significant value. The invisible, the very substance of physical reality itself.
So, "blah blah blah", can be turned into a beautiful tune, a song of "La, la, la"...it is NEVER mundane. The bored and the boring, are unwatched portions of the stage...that when one looks over, can see is an intricate and lively portion of this drama we call life. The mundane boring-ness is completely tied into the landscape of the beautiful theatrics of life, adding a substantative backdrop of contrast and texture, without which life would be merely a single-dimensional lockstep of nothingness.
As humans, we are actually SPIRIT BEINGS, who have chosen to specifically don our costumed apparral of bodily life, strutured itno the family of our origin, and expanding out as far as we choose, into the depths of history and human experience. Some of us have been assigned specific parts in this play, and some of us utilize the skill and artistry that allows for the active and fully licensed choice of Our Part. What part will you play? It requires the skill of an artist...the ability to turn lead into gold of the alchemist...the ability to work with the natural, in order to derive an alternative substance, of the magician. This is the art of life, and of living, which turns the mundane, blah, into the rocking soulful sound of beauty. Let's live.
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